Tuesday and Friday
"My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by, nevertheless, let it be as you, not I, would have it." With you, Mary, may this also become our prayer in our trials.
Jesus – "My table is always set, without interruption. I, the Master, have sacrificed everything! My Self, I give you."
Spiritual Diary – January 16, 1964
May our suffering, united to the scourging of Jesus, become a prayer offered with you Mary, for our family and for the world.
Jesus – "When receiving Holy Communion, look deeply into your soul and feel the effects My Precious Blood produces within you. Do not be insensitive to that! It is not by habit that you should come to My table, but rather propelled by a love that will be fueled as it touches Mine, and which through Me, and in union with you, will burn away the sins of your soul..."
Spiritual Diary – January 16, 1964
May the thorns which wound our heart make the garden of our life blossom in faith with You, Mary.
Jesus – “Without faith and trust, no virtue can take root in you. They are the foundation of this holy project for which we are preparing."
Spiritual Diary – March 24, 1963
May our daily cross be made lighter by the sorrowful Cross of Jesus, which has become glorious by His Resurrection.
Jesus – "We give you the strength and courage to take the first steps, but you should not delay accomplishing My will, or simply dismiss it with the back of your hand."
Spiritual Diary – July 22, 1963
May the loving words uttered by Jesus on the Cross become seeds of life, love and forgiveness in every heart.
Jesus – "If you do not come to Me, how then can I bestow My graces upon you? The fullness of graces is stored up in My Heart. My Heart is an unending source of love."
Spiritual Diary – February 10, 1963