In accordance with the Holy Virgin Mary's desire to spread and make known the Flame of Love of her Immaculate Heart throughout the world, the Flame of Love Movement has been established in several countries of the world, on all continents.
The Flame of Love Movement is a Catholic Marian movement inspired by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, and which, under the leadership of the Church, wants to collaborate in the salvation of all men.
The Mission of the Movement is to evangelize, especially in families, with the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, living and spreading her message, so that the Love of the Eternal Father and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will ignite all hearts.
Although the devotion of the Flame of Love is known in many countries around the world, currently the Movement is spreading more and more in countries where it had no presence before.
The internal structure of the movement is made up of several levels of responsibility, starting with the International Coordinator at the top of the structure and the International Spiritual Guide.
The International Coordinator is responsible for relations with the Church hierarchy, maintaining unity within the Movement, appointing National Coordinators, etc. He is assisted by an International Assistant.
The International Spiritual Guide, on the other hand, counsels and spiritually accompanies the adherents of the Movement. In each country where the Movement is established, a National Coordinator is appointed. He must ensure the proper functioning of the Movement in the country, including relations with the Church, promote the spiritual life of the Movement centered on the Holy Eucharist, keep the purity of the message of the Flame of Love, promote unity, approve publications, appoint Diocesan Coordinators, etc.
Diocesan Coordinators are responsible for maintaining contact with prayer cenacles, organizing retreats and various activities, participating in the diocesan councils of laity, etc.
In each country where the Movement is established, it adopts the legal form corresponding to the law on groupings or associations and the tax laws of the country. In Canada, the Movement was formed through a non-profit organization known as "The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
At the international level, the Movement leaders meet every three years to discuss internal issues within the Movement and to maintain unity in the diversity of languages and cultures, depending on what the Spirit can inspire.
On August 8, 2011, the Movement presented to the Holy See, through Guilherme and Rosalia Morais, its draft internal statutes for purposes of approval and recognition of the Movement as a private association of the faithful.