The Chaplet of the Adored Jesus
From Philippines
The Chaplet of The Adored Jesus
With great joy and Győző Kindelmann’s approval, I share with you a beautiful gift from the Flame of Love Movement in the Philippines, "The Chaplet of The Adored Jesus." Our Flame of Love priests in the Philippines introduced it during this past Sunday's Day of Recollection. You may recognize the title from the Diary: My Adorable Jesus.
January 2, 1963
Elizabeth Kindelmann – I was at the Mariaremete Sanctuary (Hermitage of Mary) for the hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I was plunged into silent prayer when the Lord Jesus spoke these words with gratitude:
Jesus – “Say and constantly repeat, ‘My adored Jesus.’ I have told you before how pleasant it is to Me, and even if you say nothing else for a whole hour, repeat it with repentance for your sins. This obtains many graces, forgiveness for sins, and provides peace for souls.”
Elizabeth Kindelmann – Those words were uttered in the plural and He asked that I pass this on at every opportunity.
The purpose of the chaplet is to help us grow from "saying" prayers with our lips to praying them from the heart and to help us move our spirituality from seeking salvation for ourselves to being deeply in love with God. Indeed, the key phrase of the chaplet is: "My Adored Jesus, I love you." As simple as that is, saying it out loud can have a profound impact on our relationship with our Beloved.
It is also a powerful weapon against the rise of overt Satanism we see in many countries in the world. Our priests in the Philippines firmly believe that each profession of love for our Lord does as much to blind and weaken Satan as the Unity Prayer.
My Adored Jesus Prayer
Petitions with Hail Mary
Meditation on the five wounds
Our Father
Flame of Love Hail Mary (3)
Glory Be
Large beads - The Unity Prayer
Small beads - "My Adored Jesus, I love you."
Chaplet conclusion:
The Unity Prayer
Glory Be
"My Adored Jesus, I love you" (3)
A great Amen
Meditation on the five wounds
The chaplet should be prayed after the Rosary and never in place of the Rosary or as a brief prayer in our Night Vigils. For consistency's sake and to follow Jesus' statement in the Diary, I suggest we use "My Adored Jesus" rather than "My Adorable Jesus" as the preface to the Unity Prayer when praying this Chaplet. As a reminder, "My Adorable Jesus" as a preface to the Unity Prayer is not actually part of the prayer as given in the Diary. We include it to clarify to whom the prayer is addressed.
May I ask you, if you are willing, to propagate this chaplet throughout your countries through whatever means of communication you use, e.g., newsletters, web sites, social media, or email lists. I expect we will have recordings available soon. Please let me know if you have any questions. May we be ever in love with our God and help many others do the same!
Peace and great Joy!
John A. Sullivan III
Director of Communication and International Dissemination
Flame of Love Movement
Important messages from the Diary
concerning the Ave Maria prayer
October 1962. A later note
Elizabeth Kindelmann – I am going to record what the Blessed Virgin told me in this year - 1962. I kept it inside for a long time without daring to write it down. It is a petition of the Blessed Virgin:
Virgin Mary – “When you say the prayer that honors me, the Hail Mary, include this petition in the following manner:
‘Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed are Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.’”
Note: The competent bishop asked Elizabeth: “Why the very old Hail Mary should be recited differently?” On February 2, 1982, the Lord answered:
Jesus – “It is exclusively thanks to the efficacious pleas of the Most Holy Virgin that the Most Holy Trinity granted the effusion of the Flame of Love. By it, ask in the prayer with which you greet My Most Holy Mother: ‘Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.’ So that, by its effect, humanity is converted.”
The Most Holy Virgin added:
Virgin Mary – “I do not want to change the prayer by which you honor me; by this petition, I want rather to shake humanity. This is not a new prayer formula; it must be a constant supplication.”
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