John Sullivan III
International Coordinator
in Africa
Sister Alvera, Coordinator of the Flame of Love Movement in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at Goma airport with John Sullivan III, International Coordinator for the Flame of Love Movement.
John on his arrival at the Flame of Love community in Goma.
He is pictured here with Bishop Mgr Willy Ngumbi at the Goma bishopric and Father Célestin Ngango, parish chaplain with the Flamme d'Amour group.
Group of orphan children from the Flame of Love Movement. Notice the large Flame of Love statue. It's a surprise to see such a large statue in Goma.
John and Father Célestin Ngango
John Sullivan with coordinator Marceline and vice-coordinator Papa Amani and members of the Flame of Love Community.
Marceline, Didier and John Sullivan
Bishop Willy Ngumbi and John Sullivan on the plane from Addis Ababa to Goma.
John Sullivan at the diocesan pastoral center with the priests who work there and members of the Flame of Love Movement.
Meet the members of the male community of the Flame of Love Movement.
John is pampered by the children around him. It's so important that the International Coordinator came to meet them.
John Sullivan with our parish priest, Abbé Célestin Ngango, and Glodi, secretary of the Flame of Love Movement in Goma.
John and Marceline, the diocesan coordinator.
Members gathered at the end of Mass.
John and the pastoral animator.
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