International Meeting
March 1 to 8, 2023
International Meeting
March 1 to 8, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters, all of you who have the flame of Our Lady's Love kindled in your hearts,
On May 21, 2023, I formally announced that I am resigning from my position as International Coordinator of the Flame of Love Movement, with effect from December 31, 2023, in order to focus more attention on the Movement in Hungary.
Following this, we have been working with a Preparatory Committee of 5 people over the past months to work out the process for the election of a new International Coordinator since the details are not specified in the Statutes. At the same time, taking into account many aspects, we have determined the venue of the next International Congress (Extraordinary Assembly) where the election of the new Coordinator will take place.
The members of the Preparatory Committee are Mrs Anita Cardenas de Torres (Ecuador); Dr. Nicolas Ngadjui, Coordinator for Africa (Cameroun); Father Jorge Reyes, Coordinator for the Americas (USA); Mr John Sullivan, International Assistant Coordinator (USA); Mr Győző Kindelmann (Hungary).
As the Movement has spread to many countries in recent years, this election is particularly important for us. During the preparatory discussions, we made sure that all countries where the Movement is active have the opportunity to actively participate in the election. We were particularly concerned that countries with economic disadvantages or difficult social circumstances should have equal opportunities to participate in the election and in the discussion of other Congress matters.
After the preparatory work, in accordance with Articles 17.1 and 21.3 of the Statutes, I hereby convene an Extraordinary Meeting of the Flame of Love Movement, the place and date of which is March 1-7, 2023 in Singapore at the former Saint Francis Xavier Seminary.
I hereby request Mr JOHN SULLIVAN, International Assistant, and Ms ADELINE QUEK, Singapore National Coordinator, to take the necessary measures and inform the relevant Movement leaders of any pertinent information regarding the Extraordinary Assembly.
I also ask the Preparatory Committee to continue their work, as we have many more issue to address in the period ahead.
I ask Mr. John Sullivan to inform the National Coordinators about the way the new International Coordinator will be elected.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, let us pray much and regularly that the Holy Spirit will guide the process of choosing the new International Coordinator and that Our Lady, who is truly the Mother of all, will help us to resolve any difficulties or disputes that may arise in these months.
I thank all the Brothers and Sisters for the opportunity to work with you since 2014 to spread the Flame of Love. At the same time, I apologise to all those whom I have offended during this time.
May Our Lady protect and guide you all:
Győző Kindelmann
September 2, 2023
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