Flame of Love Conference in Wisconsin
Our Lady of Champion
A beautiful trip to Wisconsin
with the Flame of Love Movement of Canada
Our friends Len and Paula Hornung from Wisconsin gave us a wonderful gift: they invited us to spend a week in Madisson and Green Bay with them. It was a wonderful trip as we visited many wonderful places. Many thanks to Len and Paula for their kind invitation into their lives
during this week. It was very enjoyable, we played mini-golf, paint ball and went mini go karting.
On September 6 and 7, the Flame of Love Movement held a retreat at the Our Lady of Champion Shrine. This is the only place in the USA where an apparition of the Virgin Mary has been accepted by the Catholic Church. What follows is sure to help you understand our journey.
Flame of Love Coordinator, Canada
This picture was
from the St Joseph Oratory in Montreal.
The first chapel of Brother Andrew,
with Christine, Pamela, Paula Lornung an Len Lornung.
At the restaurant where we ate. The Goats on the Roof Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant & Butik
It was a wonderful restaurant and during our lunch, goats were walking on the roof. It had to be done, all because we had accepted Len and Paula's invitation. Many thanks to you both! These 9 days were an immense pleasure that we shared together. We will never forget it!
If you want to know more this man, Len hornung, Click on the Link:
Len Hornung
I am not sure, but I think this song title is : AMEN
Little piece of muzic at the conference
John Sullivan III
at the Notre Dame of champion conference
September 6 and 7, 2024
Christine with goats on the roof
There is a little song Len gives
to his little children before they go to sleep
John Sullivan at the Conference
There was no provision for video recording. We were able to film some parts, but the quality was mediocre. We're sorry we can't give you more.
We may receive additional photos later.
As coordinator for Canada, I had a 45-minute intervention. I would like to thank the organizers, Lori and Kevin Brown, for giving me the chance to speak about the Flame of Love Movement in Canada and my personal experiences with the enemy of our souls, who is not satisfied with being blinded by this Flame of Love. He never sleeps and never misses an opportunity to distract us from this work of love of God and neighbor.
Marcel Dufour
National Coordinator
The Seer
Adele Brise (Brice) was born in Belgium to Lambert and Catherine Brise on January 30, 1831. Although she suffered an accident at a young age that left her blind in her right eye, those who knew her best describe her cheerfulness, fervent piety, and simple religious ways.
Upon receiving her first Holy Communion, Adele and a few close friends promised the Blessed Virgin Mary that they would devote their lives to becoming religious teaching sisters in Belgium. However, this promise grew difficult to keep when her parents decided to move to America alongside other Belgium settlers. After seeking advice from her confessor, she was told to be obedient to her parents. He assured her that if the Lord willed her to become a teacher and a sister, she would serve in that vocation in America.
After the six-week voyage to America, the Brise family joined the largest Belgian settlement – near present-day Champion, Wisconsin. Belgian pioneers’ and settlers’ lives were difficult, and many died in the harsh Wisconsin winters. Adele served her family’s needs by often taking grain to the grist mill.
From the website of Our Lady of Champion:
There was a procession every year in this piece of land where our Lady appeared.
National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion
Apparitions of 1859
Adele Brise was born in Belgium in 1831. Together with her parents, she immigrated to Wisconsin in 1855. In early October 1859, Adele reported seeing a woman clothed in white and standing between two trees, a hemlock and a maple. Adele described the woman as surrounded by a bright light, clothed in dazzling white with a yellow sash around her waist and a crown of stars above her flowing blond locks. Brise was frightened by the vision and prayed until it disappeared. When she told her parents what she had seen, they suggested that a poor soul might be in need of prayers.
The following Sunday, October 8, 1859, Brise saw the apparition a second time while walking to Mass in the community of Bay Settlement. Her sister and another woman (Marie Theresa VanderMissen, 1822–1898) were with her at the time, but neither of them saw anything. She asked the parish priest for advice and he told her that if she saw the apparition again, she should ask it, "In the Name of God, who are you and what do you wish of me?"
Returning from Mass that same day, she saw the apparition a third time, and this time asked the question the priest had told her to ask. The apparition replied, "I am the Queen of Heaven, who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same. "Brise was also given a mission to "gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they should know for salvation."
Brise, who was 28 years old at the time of her vision of the apparition, devoted the rest of her life to teaching children. She initially traveled on foot from house to house, but later opened a small school. Other women joined her in her work and they formed a community of sisters according to the rule of the Third Order Franciscans, although Brise never took public vows as a nun.
Brise died on July 5th, 1896
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