Are We Willing to Blind Satan?
We wait, we lose Souls!
Do we believe in the Flame of Love?
I myself received the Flame of Love in 1984 after reading a 32-pages booklet. I fell in love and started to recite the Rosary with the petition "Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity"
It is so beautiful to work with the Virgin Mary.
The editor
Beautiful Video made by United States Flame of Love Movement.
The Most Rev. David L. Ricken
Diocese of Green Bay, Wiconsin
Father James Blount, SOLT
Father Chris Alar, MIC
It is the first time that I see 3 priests so inflamed by the Flame of Love. This touche my heart a lot. All priests should be acting this way.
Pray that Canada will ignite the same way. Let us pray for our priests.
The editor
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