Time and place
From: 5/16/1984 12:00:00 PMTo: 5/16/1984 12:00:00 PM
Location: South of Montreal
A grandiose sign appeared in the sky in Quebec in 1984
Following a painful separation from my wife, I found myself on the street with only a small suitcase as my luggage. I could see my two little girls, four and six years old every weekend. With a job of 40 hours/week, I could support myself and my daughters in addition to paying a pension for the one who had rejected me. The pain of separation following my conversion never left me. The breakdown of my family was close to my heart and sadness followed me like a shadow.
A generous friend who hosted me had lent me for a time his boy's small room in the house in a small suburb of the city where he lived.
I had asked for a sign
During a visit to Father Guy-Marie Ménard (Jesuit) at the "Gésu" in Montreal, I bought a small prayer sheet of the Flame of Love with small booklets of 32 and 64 pages that he had at the store. These documents were copies of the booklets that existed at the Éditions du Parvis in Switzerland that Father Ménard had printed in large quantities. After reading and meditating on the messages of the Flame of Love, I stopped at a sentence of the Blessed Virgin Mary of May 19, 1963:
“I the Beautiful Raw of Dawn, I will Blind Satan"
"In this terrible turmoil currently brewing up, you will see the brightness of my Flame of Love illuminating Heaven and earth by the effusion of its effect of grace I am passing on to souls in this dark night."
As a child asks his mother, I had asked the Virgin Mary if I could see this Flame of Love in heaven. A few days later, the events that followed responded to my request.
A peaceful summer evening
On a peaceful summer's evening in June 1984, at around 10 p.m., I went to bed in my small bedroom. I had been in bed for a few minutes when my friend called me from his room. A large window overlooked the street, allowing us to see a large portion of the front yard. I was surprised to see white, semi-opaque rays streaming down into the street. We immediately went out onto the back balcony to see what was going on. "Grandiose" would be the word I found to exclaim before this "miracle" that was emerging from high up in the Heavens. Wonderful semi-opaque white rays surrounded the house and descended onto the backyard. The rays touched the ground and slowly disappeared, while others replaced them right next door. It was a magnificent sight. After a few minutes, the rays expanded towards the horizon, all around the city, and then dissipated. We remained "frozen" in place after this magnificent intervention by Heaven.
When we got up the next morning, our questions were still fresh in our minds. At breakfast, I asked my friend if it was from the Flame of Love. After closing his eyes and praying, he said "yes". I had my answer to the question I'd asked the Virgin Mary a few days earlier.
The miracle didn't stop there
Indeed, in the days that followed, I saw my friend with his black and white posters showing them to his young son. I thought it was beautiful. So I asked him if he could do the same for images of Jesus and Mary. I showed him the images: Our Lady of Fatima and the Sacred Heart of Jesus from the Chapelle de la Réparation in Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Montreal. He said I should ask a photographer to make a 126 negative. The negative would then be used to print posters at the company where he worked.
After asking permission from his boss, he brought me about twenty poster copies of Jesus and Mary. We went to Saint-Louis-de-France church in Montreal and distributed them to a prayer group of young teenagers. We did it again the following week with about 50 copies. After that, my friend's boss said that was enough. So we had distributed the posters in different places, and everyone wanted to have one.
Manifestation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
We had placed several of these posters around the house, up and down the stairs. The children had a big table to paint with gouache. One weekend, we went down to the basement and discovered the Sacred Heart of Jesus poster with a big brown spot on the heart. I touched the stain with my finger and thought it was gouache, that the children had painted the heart. I quizzed the children and they all said it wasn't them. All was forgotten and we moved on.
A few days later, we returned to the prayer evenings at Saint-Louis de France church. We began to receive news of the posters we'd distributed. Father Guy-Marie Ménard told me that the images were oozing out among the youth community he had formed a few years earlier. We were very surprised and I asked my friend what he had done with the poster on our staircase. He told me that the poster had been returned to the garbage dump and the truck had just driven by. It seemed that this miracle was not for us. We contacted the people to whom we had given posters and indeed, the image oozed when people prayed in front of it.
Miraculous rolled-up posters
In 1986, I moved to Rimouski and had 2 posters of Jesus and Mary rolled up in my dresser drawer. I took them out and asked the Lord if all these things were true because I was beginning to doubt. The posters were intact and spotless. I put them back in the drawer and didn't go back until a few weeks later. No one knew of my request to the Lord. To my surprise, both posters had oozed while rolled up and had stained even the back. The stains looked fresh even though it had possibly been several days. Jesus had given me the answer to my question. A year later, for personal reasons, I gave them to a priest on Montreal's South Shore. He told me he would give them to a praying couple. In the end, more than 25 posters oozed out.
Gérard Picard and I went to meet Yolande Guérette, who owns several posters and knows all the history behind these great images. She had received permission from the Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe to display the posters and pray with participants at the Otterburn Park church, located in the Vallée-du-Richelieu county, near Saint-Hilaire. There would be 2 prayer meetings per month. You can see a preview of the condition of these images. Yolande is seen in Medjugorje during a meeting with the Maranatha group in 2016.
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